Department of Neurology and Centre of Clinical Neuroscience
Dr Petr Dusek
(00 420) 2 2496 5539
Dr Evzen Ruzicka
Dr Jan Roth
Our centre is focused on differential diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders including neuropsychiatric form of Wilson disease. We provide long term follow-up and specialized treatment of neurologic symptoms in Wilson disease, including botulinum toxin injections and stereotactic neurosurgery.
Dr Radan Bruha
(00 420) 224 962 506
Hepatogastroenterology centre of university hospital provides both clinical and research activities in gastroenterology and hepatology including metabolic liver disease. Laboratory is fully equipped for complete research in hepatology including molecular biology techniques and serve as reference centres for many laboratory methods in Czech Republic.
The care about WD patients is organized in close cooperation with Neurologic and Pediatric departments.
Paediatric gastroenterology
Pr. Jiri Nevoral
(00 420) 22443 2062
Pr. Jiri Bronsky
(00 420) 22443 2098
Dr. Tomas Dedic
(00 420) 22443 2062
The 2nd Faculty of Medicine is the former Paediatric Faculty of Medicine, most part of clinical work takes part in the University Hospital Motol which is the biggest hospital in Czech Republic and Central Europe and the paediatric part is the most important Paediatric Hospital in Czech Republic covering all fields of paediatric care and the highest level of continuing medical education for paediatrics.
Our department is the biggest paediatric GI centre in the Czech Republic. We take care of patients with liver diseases incl. pre- and post-LTx, also of patients with IBD (incl. patients receiving biological treatment), malabsorption syndromes (celiac disease etc.), and patients with enteral and parenteral nutrition.