Network Director: Jean-Marc Trocello (jean-marc.trocello@lrb.aphp.fr )
Communication Officer/Database Manager: Emeline RUANO (emeline.ruano@gmail.com)
Country | First Name | Name | Organisation | |
see more | Austria | Andrea | Deutschmann | andrea.deutschmann@medunigraz.at | Medical University - Graz |
see more | Austria | Peter | Ferenci | peter.ferenci@meduniwien.ac.at | Medical University - Vienna |
see more | Austria | Heinz | Zoller | heinz.zoller@i-med.ac.at | Medical University - Innsbruck |
see more | Belgium | David | Cassiman | David.Cassiman@med.kuleuven.be | University hospital Leuven - Gasthuisberg |
see more | Belgium | Etienne | Sokal | etienne.sokal@uclouvain.be | UCL Hospital - Brussels |
see more | Belgium | Karin | Thevissen | Karin.Thevissen@biw.kuleuven.be | University hospital Leuven - Gasthuisberg |
see more | Belgium | Annick | Vanclooster | annick.vanclooster@uzleuven.be | University hospital Leuven - Gasthuisberg |
see more | Croatia | Mirjana | Kalauz | mirjana.kalauz@zg.t-com.hr | University Hospital Centre -Zagreb |
see more | Croatia | Jurica | Vukovic | juricav1961@yahoo.com | University Hospital Centre - Zagreb |
see more | Czech Republic | Jiri |
Bronsky |
University Hospital Motol – Prague |
see more | Czech Republic | Radan | Bruha | bruha@cesnet.cz | General Teaching Hospital – Prague |
see more | Czech Republic | Tomas |
Dedic |
University Hospital Motol – Prague |
see more | Czech Republic | Petr | Dusek | petr.dusek@vfn.cz | Movement Disorders Centre - Prague |
see more | Czech Republic | Jiri | Nevoral | jiri.nevoral@seznam.cz | University Hospital Motol – Prague |
see more | Denmark | Marianne | Horby Jorgensen | mari@dadlnet.dk | University Hospital - Copenhagen |
see more | Denmark | Peter | Ott | peterott@rm.dk | University Hospital - Aarhus |
see more | France | Dominique | Debray | dominique.debray@nck.aphp.fr | Necker Hospital - Paris |
see more | France | Alain | Lachaux | alain.lachaux@chu-lyon.fr | FME Hospital – Lyon |
see more | France | France | Woimant | france.woimant@lrb.aphp.fr | Lariboisiere Hospital – Paris |
see more | Germany | Stefan | Lorenzl | Stefan.Lorenzl@med.uni-muenchen.de | Interdisciplinary Centre of Palliative Care - Munich |
see more | Germany | Hartmut | Schmidt | hepar@ukmuenster.de | University Hospital - Münster |
see more | Germany | Jan | de Laffolie |
University Hospital - Giessen/Marburg |
see more | Germany |
Ekkehard |
Sturm |
Children's Hospital - Tübingen |
see more | Germany | Karl-Heinz | Weiss | karl-heinz.weiss@med.uni-heidelberg.de | University Hospital - Heidelberg |
see more
Greece |
Emmanuel |
Kanavakis |
ekanavak@med.uoa.gr | University Hospital - Athens |
see more | Greece |
Myrto |
Poulou |
mrpoulou@med.uoa.gr | University Hospital - Athens |
see more | Greece |
Maria |
Tzetis |
mtzetis@med.uoa.gr | University Hospital - Athens |
see more | Hungary | Ferenc | Szalay | szalay@bel1.sote.hu | Semmelweis University - Budapest |
see more | Hungary | Laszlo | Szonyi | szonyi.laszlo@med.semmelweis-univ.hu | Semmelweis University - Budapest |
see more | India | Ashish | Bavdekar | bavdekar@vsnl.com | K.E.M Hospital - Mumbai |
see more | Italy | Maurizio | Baldi | mauriziobaldi@hotmail.com | Istituto R. Margherita - Torino |
see more | Italy | Cristiana | Barbera | cristiana.barbera@unito.it | Istituto R. Margherita - Torino |
see more | Italy | Sebastiano | Bianca | sebastiano.bianca@tiscali.it | Arnas Garibaldi Nesima - Catania |
see more | Italy | Pier Luigi | Calvo | pierluigi.calvo@fastwebnet.it | Istituto R. Margherita - Torino |
see more | Italy | Roberto | Erro | erro_erro@hotmail.it | University Federico II - Naples |
see more | Italy | Lorenzo | Leggio | lorenzoleggio@hotmail.com | Gemelli Hospital - Rome |
see more | Italy | Maria Teresa | Pellecchia |
pellec3@hotmail.com |
University Federico II - Naples |
see more | Italy | Marina | Picillo | maripici@libero.it | University Federico II - Naples |
see more | Italy | Rosa | Simonetti | rosasimo@libero.it | Ospedale V. Cervello - Palermo |
see more | Italy | Pietro | Vajro | pvajro@unisa.it | Medical School & Teaching Hospital - Salerno |
see more | Netherlands | Roderick | Houwen | r.houwen@umcutrecht.nl | University Medical Centre - Utrecht |
see more | Norway |
Kirsten |
Muri Boberg |
Oslo University Hospital - Rikshopitalet |
see more | Norway | Inger Marie |
Skogseid |
Oslo University Hospital - Rikshopitalet |
see more | Pakistan | Sumreena | Mansoor | sumreena.mansoor@shifacollege.edu | College of Medicine - Shifa |
see more | Poland | Anna | Czlonkowska | czlonkow@ipin.edu.pl | Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology – Warsaw |
see more | Poland | Piotr | Socha | p.socha@czd.pl | Children's Memorial Health Institute – Warsaw |
see more | Portugal | Henedina | Antunes | henedinaantunes@gmail.com | Braga Hospital |
see more | Portugal | Leonor | Correia Guedes | lcorreiaguedes@sapo.pt | Hospital de Santa Maria - Lisboa Norte |
see more | Portugal | Isabel | Goncalves | hepatologia@chc.min-saude.pt | Hepatology Unit Pediatric Hospital - Coimbra |
see more | Portugal | Marina | Magalhaes | marinajmmagalhaes@hotmail.com | Santo António Hospital - Porto |
see more | Portugal | Carla | Maia | carla.maia08@gmail.com | Hepatology Unit Pediatric Hospital - Coimbra |
see more | Romania | Tudor Lucian | Pop | tudor.pop@umfcluj.ro | University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Cluj Napoca |
see more | Serbia | Zlatko | Djuric | zldjuric@yahoo.com | Clinical Centre Children's Hospital - Nis |
see more | Serbia | Slobodan | Kazic | kazic@scnet.rs | Clinical Hospital Centre Zvezdara, Belgrade |
see more | Serbia | Vladimir | Kostic | vladimir.s.kostic@gmail.com | Institute of Neurology, Belgrade |
see more | Serbia | Marina | Svetel | marinasvetel@gmail.com | Institute of Neurology, Belgrade |
see more | Spain | Loreto | Hierro | lhierro.hulp@salud.madrid.org | Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz - Madrid |
see more | Spain | Paloma | Jara | pjara.hulp@salud.madrid.org | Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz - Madrid |
see more | Spain | Victor | Navas Lopez | victor.navas@gmail.com | Hospital Materno Infantil - Malaga |
see more | Spain |
Maria |
Trapero-Marugan |
mtraperomarugan@gmail.com | Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda - Madrid |
see more | Spain | Mercedes | Vergara | mvergara@tauli.cat | Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli - Sabadell |
see more | Switzerland | Judit | Horvath | Judit.Horvath@hcuge.ch | Children's Hospital - Geneva |
see more | Switzerland | Darius | Moradpour | Darius.Moradpour@chuv.ch | Vaudois Universitary Centre - Lausanne |
see more | Switzerland | Valerie | McLin | Valerie.McLin@hcuge.ch | Children's Hospital - Geneva |
see more | Switzerland | Michela |
Tempia |
The Clinic Des Grangettes - Geneva |
see more | Turkey | Ozlem | Durlmaz | ozlem.durmaz@windowslive.com | Medical Faculty - Istanbul |
see more | UK | Anil | Dhawan | anil.dhawan@kcl.ac.uk | Kings College Hospital – London |
see more | UK | William | Griffiths | bill.griffiths@addenbrookes.nhs.uk | University Hospital - Cambridge |
see more | UK | Carla | Lloyd | CARLA.LLOYD@bch.nhs.uk | Children's Hospital - Birmingham |
see more | UK | Deirdre | Kelly | Deirdre.kelly@bch.nhs.uk | Children's Hospital - Birmingham |
see more | UK | Patricia | MacClean | patricia.mcclean@leedsth.nhs.uk | General Infirmary - Leeds |