Gastroenterology / Hepatology
Prof Hartmut Schmidt
(00 49) 251-83-57770
Klinik und Poliklinik für Transplantationsmedizin
Neurology, Certification in Palliative Medicine
Dr Stefan Lorenzl
(00 49) 89 70954929
Dr Karl Heinz Weiss
(00 49) 6221-56-8702
The University Hospital is one of the largest German university hospitals. Heidelberg is a special clinic for more than 10 years, where we treat about 200 Wilson's disease patients. The hospital practises gene analysis and genetic counselling, both on Wilson's disease patients themselves but also on their families. Clinical and theoretical aspects of Wilson's disease are the subject of research at our clinic.
You are welcome to visit our outpatient clinic in Heidelberg (by appointment). Here we offer advice in addition to the complete diagnosis.
Pediatric Hepatology/ Gastroenterology, Liver and Intestinal Transplantation
Dr Ekkehard Sturm
(00 49) 7071-29-81300
The University Hospital Tübingen is a 1300 bed tertiary-care facility in the Southwest of Germany. It is a high volume liver transplant center for adults and children providing care with excellent short- and longterm outcome. The pediatric hepatology unit offers in- and outpatient care for all children with acute and chronic liver diseases, including Wilsons Disease, autoimmune- and viral hepatitis, biliary tract diseases. The center offers tertiary care for these patients involving a multidisciplinary approach including medical therapy, pediatric- and transplant surgery and a well-equipped imaging and endoscopy facility. Multidisciplinary care of patients with Wilsons disease is organized in a Center for Rare Liver Diseases including genetic counseling.
Paediatric Gastroenteroly & Hepatology
Dr Jan de Laffolie
(00 49) 641 985 43400
Centre for Child and Adolescent Medicine at University Hospital, Department of General Paediatrics & Neonatology, Division of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Tertiary Referral Centre for Paediatric Patients with Diseases of the Liver, Gastrointestinal Tract, and Nutritional Problems. We have been diagnosing on average one new patient with Wilson's disease per year.
(00 49) 30 80 49 84 86
The goals of our non-profit organisation are:
*As far as possible to inform people about what the disease is and how it manifests itself.
*To assist Wilson disease patients and their relatives
*To inform people about the disease