Outpatient Units of Internal Medicine and Hepatology
Dr. Lorenzo Leggio
(00 39) 06 3015 5650
Paediatrics and gastroenterology
Dr Cristiana BARBERA
(00 39) 3135786
Dr Pier Luigi CALVO
(00 39) 3135615
Dr Maurizio Baldi
(00 39) 3135617
We are working in the Gastroenterology Unit of the biggest pediatric hospital of Torino Italy. In the hospital all pediatric specialities are present. In the service patients are followed as hospitalized at the moment of liver biopsy and as day hospital during the follow up. In our department we do operative endoscopy and treatment of esophageal varices. The hospital is located in the same area of the biggest Clinical hospital for adults in Turin where there is the most important gastroenterology Service of the town directed by Pr Mario Rizzetto.
In the same department there is the transplantation center for adults and children directed by Pr Salizzoni (more than 100 pediatric OLT) and the three services are connected by a convention.
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine
Dr Rosa Simonetti
(00 39) 3358369575
In the Division of Medicine (ward, day-hospital and service for out-patients, ultrasound laboratory), we admit above all patients with liver and gastro-enterologic problems.
In the Hospital there are a radiologic department with TC and RM, a division of neurology and psychiatry departments. So it is possible to have a multi-specialistic approach to patients with Wilson disease. We have admitted and/or followed in the last 20 years more than 60 patients with Wilson disease coming from all the Sicily and sometimes from other Italian regions.
Medical Geneticist
Dr Sebastiano Bianca
(00 39) 095 7595384
The medical genetic unit provides genetic counselling to patients and families for all genetic disease including Wilson disease. Our interdisciplinary approach provides also follow up for a lot of genetic diseases in collaboration with other specialist unit of the hospital.
Dr Maria Teresa Pellecchia
(00 39) 081 7462670
Dr Roberto Erro
(00 39) 081 7462670
Dr Marina Picillo
Regional Center for diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, Department of Neurological Sciences.
Pediatrics and Pediatric Gastroenterohepatology
Prof Pietro Vajro
(00 39) 339 2361998
Prof. Vajro got good expertise with WD while working at the Dept of Pediatrics of the University of Naples. He has been in the Board of the Hepatology Committees of National and Euopean Societies of Pediatric Gastroenterohepatology and Nutrition. He is coauthor of several articles and chapters on Wilson Disease.
In Salerno he can take care of pediatric Wilsonian patients (ward, day-hospital and service for out-patients, ultrasound laboratory, liver biopsy) and manage WD molecular diagnosis.
A multi-specialistic approach to patients with all ages Wilson disease is possible, as the Hospital has ,among several others, a radiology department with TC and RM, a division of neurology (see prof. Paolo Barone and his group for adult neurological WD patients), pediatric and adult psychiatry, and GI/hepatology departments.
(00 39) 3313711254
The primary objective of this organisation is to bundle together, those who live with Wilson's disease, and those who are professionally involved (doctors, researchers, government agencies, etc..). The initiative was founded by a group of patient and relatives of patients with Wilson disease.